Returns Policy
As our products are perishable items, we do not offer a set refund policy. However, in the unlikely event that our products are damaged in transit or not to a satisfactory standard please contact us within 24 hours either by email: or direct on the phone during opening hours on 01489663960.
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received the return item, we will then notify you of the approval or rejection of the refund / replacement item. If we agree with the return, we will automatically issue you with a refund which can take 3-5 working days to process or, where available send a replacement.
To return your product, you should choose a trustworthy and reliable shipping provider and return the package to our address: Considerate Carnivore, Botley Mills, Southampton, SO302GB.
Shipping costs for returned items are your responsibility and you should consider using a traceable shipping service and we can’t guarantee receipt without.
Only regular prices items can be refunded all sale items are excluded from our refunds policy.
Whilst we strive to provide the best service, the best products and a positive experience at times you may feel that something has not gone as you had expected and may leave you less than satisfied. Should this be the case, please contact us immediately on